Eachine 250 flight controller naze bricked.

The board I have is this one:

Betaflight has stopped supporting Naze32 FC as of 3.2.5.
Cleanflight still supports Naze32 but has to remove some features.

I decided to change the Naze to version 2.5.0 which bricked the FC.
I decided to change the Naze to version 2.4.0 which bricked the FC.
I decided to change the Naze to version 2.3.2 which restored the FC.

Recover a bricked Eachine 250 race Naze FC?

CleanFlight has clear instructions, but there was one big problem when reaching step 3. The BOOT pins or BOOT button.

Recovery / Lost communication

If you have lost communication with your board follow these steps to restore communication:

  1. Power off
  2. Enable ‘No reboot sequence’, enable ‘Full chip erase’.
  3. Jumper the BOOT pins or hold BOOT button.
  4. Power on (activity LED will NOT flash if done correctly).
  5. Install all STM32 drivers and Zadig if required (see USB Flashing section of the manual).
  6. Close configurator, Close all running chrome instances, Close all Chrome apps, Restart Configurator.
  7. Release BOOT button if your FC has one.
  8. Flash with correct firmware (using manual baud rate if specified in your FC’s manual).
  9. Power off.
  10. Remove BOOT jumper.
  11. Power on (activity LED should flash).
  12. Connect normally.

Does this board have some and if so, where? Well i found it after some searching, two small hole you have to short circuit during power on.

Good luck !